


We are a dynamic auditing and consultancy company specializing in transactions,
restructuring and CFO-related advisory services.


We support medium-sized, corporate and investment companies by offering professional and independent advice on transactions, restructuring and advisory issues as an equal partner.


We see ourselves as experts in transaction, restructuring and advisory services and maintain our professional skills through specialist training for our staff and encouraging their ongoing professional development.

Individual level

We always provide professional advice and take the time to understand your needs and expectations. This enables us to develop solutions tailored to the requirements of our clients. The focus is not on us but on our customers and their business success.


We often have long-standing relationships with our clients and build mutual trust through consistently high levels of performance and continuity in personnel. We keep a cool head in a crisis, delivering results that ensure a project’s success within set deadlines. Our customers can rely on this.
We think and act in an entrepreneurial fashion and can put ourselves in our customers’ “shoes”. The interests of our customers always come first. We will not say “yes” to everything but will be fully engaged as a critical sparring partner to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.
Managing directors
We have a experienced management team that has worked for AURICON for the last 10 years. During that time, they have successfully implemented many transactions, restructurings and CFO-related projects, having previously provided consultancy services as partners or project managers at leading international auditing and consultancy firms.
Our management and staff are fully committed to ensuring the success of our customers. You can rely on a well-coordinated and highly effective team and will benefit from specific and clear solutions that are tailor-made to meet your needs. We not only design solutions but also implement them on the ground with our customers. We are not only at home on the command bridge but everywhere else on board, including the engine room!

Managing directors

Unser Management verfügt über große Erfahrung und hat bereits zahlreiche Transaktionen, Restrukturierungen und CFO-nahe Projekte erfolgreich durchgeführt. In den letzten 10 Jahren für AURICON, davor im Rahmen ihrer Tätigkeit als Partner bzw. Projektleiter bei international führenden Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaften. Unser Management und unsere Mitarbeiter arbeiten mit großem Engagement für den Erfolg unserer Kunden. Sie können sich auf eine eingespielte, schlagkräftige Mannschaft verlassen. Sie profitieren von individuellen, auf die jeweilige Sondersituation zugeschnittenen und nachvollziehbaren Lösungen. Wir entwerfen nicht nur Konzepte, sondern setzen diese auch vor Ort bei unseren Kunden um. Dabei fühlen wir uns nicht nur auf der Kommandobrücke wohl, sondern auch überall an Bord – auch im Maschinenraum.

Advisory Board

Der Beirat berät das Management von AURICON bei strategischen, wirtschaftlichen und anderen wichtigen Fragen. Wir haben unternehmerisch denkende und erfahrene Persönlichkeiten als Beiratsmitglieder, die sich regelmäßig mit uns austauschen.

Advisory Board

Our board advises the management team on strategic, commercial and other important issues and comprises experienced business-minded individuals who regularly exchange ideas with us.